Concrete Repair And Protection

Masteremaco T 950


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Availability: In stock
Product Description

A three-component metallic-aggregate epoxy repair mortar
Formerly: MasterPatch 95

How does MasterEmaco T 950MA work?

MasterEmaco T 950MA consists of a 100% reactive modified-aliphatic amine hardener, a liquid epoxy resin-based material, and specially processed and graded metallic aggregate. It is used to create durable repairs in environments with heavy-duty usage.

Product Application

Recommended uses:

Indoor only
Rapid repairs requiring high strength for heavy duty usage
Repair of worn or spalled concrete floor joints
Filling saw-cut control joints in indoor floors (cured at least 60 days)
Repairing spalled or worn areas in industrial concrete floors

What are the unique features of MasterEmaco T 950MA?

Epoxy resin based for excellent bond to base concrete
Metallic aggregate for long-lasting repairs
Creates a dense repair surface resistant to oil and grease penetration

What are the benefits of MasterEmaco T 950MA?

Featheredging capability makes thin repairs possible; repairs leave smooth surface
Traffic-ready in 4–6 hours at 70° F (21° C) for minimal downtime
Extremely high impact toughness ideal for manufacturing and industrial environments

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